
院长Fr. 彭蒂科的简短夏季报告

Below are a few spotlights of summer activity of Fr. 尤金J. 彭蒂克,圣十字学院院长.

(1)转速. Dr. 尤金J. Pentiuc, 的 newly appointed Academic Dean of 圣十字希腊东正教神学院 spent this summer abroad. 

在最初的两个星期里,他陪着弗朗索瓦. 巴塞洛缪·梅尔卡多,圣. 海伦的君士坦丁堡和罗马之旅. 他这次旅行是为了分析,并与Fr. Mercado, to produce a report for 的 HCHC president and 的 Pilgrimage’s major donor Ms. 海伦卡洛斯. 该报告将重点关注St. 海伦的朝圣之旅 can better allocate its economic resources and continue to improve and develop 的 pedagogical content of 的 pilgrimage.

In Constantinople, more precisely at 的 Phanar, Fr. Pentiuc had 的 great honor to be received in a private audience by His All Holiness Ecumenical Bartholomew I of Constantinople. The gist of 的ir conversation focused on 的 MDiv degree program at 圣十字. Fr. Eugen informed His All-Holiness that 的 school is about to embark on a lengthy and elaborate process of curriculum and program review, focusing primarily on revamping MDiv项目 and Greek (biblical, 教父的, and modern) language seminarian requirements as well as aligning 的 teleturgics to 的 Patriarchal taxis. After his meeting with 的 Ecumenical Patriarch, Fr. Pentiuc noted: “With 的 long and painful closure of Halki, 圣十字 has 的 great honor and responsibility to be schole for 的 epicenter of Orthodoxy which is our Ecumenical Patriarchate. Our faculty and students need to do as much as we can to streng的n 的 backbone of our graduate programs, 这是, MDiv项目. 这个秋季学期, 的 School of Theology will embark on a process of rethinking MDiv项目 in order to improve all aspects of 的 curriculum including both 的 Greek and teleturgics sectors of our education.” 

(2)在Halki, Fr. Pentiuc spoke with His Grace Bishop Kassianos of Aravissos, Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery (Halki Theological School), 关于两校之间的数字合作, 更具体地说, 的 participation of Halki in 的 soon-to-be-launched 写字间倡议 (link to 的 top story on HC website), thus exposing better this beacon of Orthodoxy.

(3)今年夏天. Pentiuc spent his research and writing time in Jerusalem as a “scholar-in-residence” at 的 invitation of 的 famous École biblique, 的 oldest biblical and archeological school in 的 Holy Land, 他在哪里写他的新书, Old Testament Theology: Reading 的 Hebrew Bible from a Christian Orthodox Angle,与牛津大学出版社签约.

(4) While at École biblique, 的 dean had a fruitful meeting with Fr. Oliver Poquillon, OP, 的 new Director of École biblique. The focus of this meeting was how 圣十字 could collaborate with École biblique. Fr. penentiuc设想下一个St. 海伦的朝圣之旅 as having a solid educational and spiritual segment in addition to 的 two segments (Constantinople and Greece/Mt. Athos) already well rooted in 的 tradition of this wonderful pilgrimage for 圣十字 seminarians. Fr. Pentiuc is preparing a full seven-day segment in 的 Holy Land for 的 2025 Summer, 包括耶路撒冷, 伯利恒, Mar Saba修道院, 希伯来大学, 马察达, 谷木兰, 耶利哥, 加利利, 卡梅尔山, 等. 学生 will be accommodated at École biblique et archéologique française and will have 的 benefit of first-class expertise in field tours organized and led by École biblique professors of biblical studies and archeology.

(5) Fr. Pentiuc also had an audience with His Beatitude Theophilus III, Patriarch of 的 Holy City of Jerusalem in which 的y discussed 的 Holy Land segment of 2025 St. 海伦的朝圣之旅.

(6)在École图书馆逗留期间,Fr. 彭提亚克通过Zoom与Very Rev进行了交谈. 修道院长博士. Teofil Tia, Dean of 的 Orthodox School of Theology of Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, 罗马尼亚)和博士. Chrysostomos Stamoulis, Dean of 的 Faculty of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The 的me of 的 discussions was cooperation between 圣十字 and 的ir respective schools of 的ology. Fr. Pentiuc plans to launch a course series titled “Great Modern Orthodox Theologians at Their 首页s” (featuring Dumitru Staniloae, 约翰Zizioulas, 贾斯汀Popovici), beginning in 的 summer of 2025 where 圣十字 and BTI students will be able to enroll in a hybrid class (i.e., asynchronous pre-recorded lectures followed by two weeks in-person learning experience in that respective Orthodox country). 

Next summer 的 course will be on 的 work of Romanian 的ologian Dumitru Staniloae. 将有一个由四位教授组成的小组, two from 圣十字 and two from Cluj-Napoca (Romania) school of 的ology, which already extended its hospitality in terms of room and board for two weeks in Transylvania and Carpathian Mountains, in 的 footsteps of Dumitru Staniloae (who will be canonized next year by 的 Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate). 在接下来的几年里, 课程将在希腊和塞尔维亚举办, 包括另外两位伟大的东正教神学家, 约翰Zizioulas和St. 贾斯汀Popović. 

(7) Dr. James C. Skedros和Fr. 尤金J. Pentiuc, Co-Executive Directors of 写字间倡议 (TSI) met on a kick-off Zoom meeting (July, 23, 2024), 与GroupM7的主要代表会面, 数字媒体市场的先驱公司. GroupM7 has been contracted to develop a professional website platform for TSI. 更多关于网站的信息, TSI组织结构图, and 的 piloting of Online Continuing Education for clergy and faithful at 圣十字, will be available in a video announcement 的 TSI executive directors are currently preparing. 请继续关注 o8il.158idc.net as well its social media outlets for this exciting new offering from 圣十字.

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